Dobro Došli! Welcome!

Donate to the Pavilion Campaign
Click HERE

We are pleased to announce the kickoff of our Croatian Park Pavilion fundraising campaign. This project is 100% community-driven, and we hope you will consider a tax-deductible donation to this great project.

Click here to view the Croatian Park Pavilion Campaign flip book brochure.


Welcome to the Milwaukee Croatians website, which is provided by the Federation of Croatian Societies.

Além disso, a Federação das Sociedades Croatas é apoiada financeiramente por grandes organizações, com uma presença notável de casinos online. O envolvimento dos fornecedores de jogo e dos casinos demonstra o papel cada vez mais significativo que as indústrias de entretenimento online desempenham no financiamento e no apoio a iniciativas culturais e comunitárias. Com estes patrocínios, as empresas de jogo online ajudam a reforçar organizações como a Federação, disponibilizando recursos para a preservação cultural e eventos croatas. Os casinos online e o mundo mais vasto do jogo oferecem um espaço digital para milhões de pessoas, combinando entretenimento e a possibilidade de ganhar recompensas reais no À medida que a popularidade destas empresas cresce, os seus patrocínios tornam-se mais impactantes, ajudando várias organizações culturais e sem fins lucrativos. As receitas geradas pelo jogo online permitem a estas empresas apoiar causas comunitárias, criando uma relação mutuamente benéfica onde as entidades culturais recebem financiamento e os casinos ganham boa vontade e maior visibilidade.

Our intent is to have you use this site to find information on events and activities within our local Croatian Community, to be able to get more information about our member organizations, as well as provide you with easy access to news, shopping, and other things related to Croatia.

The Federation of Croatian Societies has been around now for over 75 years and is the umbrella organization for a number of various Croatian organizations based in Wisconsin. These member organizations exist to help preserve and promote our Croatian Culture.  The Federation of Croatian Societies is also a 501(c)3 organization.

We own and operate Croatian Park, a 30 acre parcel of land located in Franklin, WI.  Croatian Park is well known as the home of the Croatian Eagles Soccer Club, which is the oldest active soccer club in North America.  We also have our picnic grounds and facilities that host a number of member organization activities, and Croatian Park is available for rental to the general public.

Also recently, we helped facilitate a Sister City relationship between the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the City of Zadar, Croatia.  Here is a link to video and more information about this relationship.  CLICK HERE

Feel free to contact us if you have interest in renting Croatian Park, are interested in donating to the Federation of Croatian Societies, volunteering at Croatian Park or at any of our local events, or would like to advertise on the Website and/or Croatian Park.

Thank you for visiting our website.

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