About US

The parish was founded in 1928 and the first pastor was Rev. Franjo Bahorić.   The Croatian Franciscans began ministering in the parish in 1930.  Fr. Zvonko Mandurić (1930-1934) built a rectory.  A basement hall was built in 1930, and services were held there until the completion of the upper church in 1938.  Other buildings  as a rectory,  large school and an extension of the church were constructed during the long pastorate of Fr. Blaž Jerković (1936-1955).  The old rectory was altered for the sisters, the Daughters of Divine Charity, who arrived in the parish  in 1949.  Upon their arrival, the sisters gave religious instruction and worked in the parish; they were also teachers in the school once it opened in 1954.  Fr. Blaž’s successor was Fr. Vjekoslav Bambir (1955-1967), who had a small hall, a large hall and kitchen added to the school. Also a new and larger vestibule was added to the church.
From the beginning of the parish to 1995:
*  3,207 children were baptized
*  1,401individuals were buried
*  1,703 couples were married
*  2,025 children were confirmed
*  2,694 children received First Holy Communion.